Everything is very good except for the zombies. It doesn't seem like you put lot of effort into the zombies. Still great though!
Everything is very good except for the zombies. It doesn't seem like you put lot of effort into the zombies. Still great though!
Seriously dude.... Stop being so damn good! This ish fantastic dude! Kudos
Very cool!
hey as always your drawings never cease to amaze me :3 One quick question. What size did you use for this. Once i ge my Iphone maybe.......... I would love to do this.
It's.... Ok
I'm not sure how i feel about it. It's ok. Nothing amazing. IMO it doesn't deserve front page. BUT It doesn't mean that it is terrible either. Keep trying!
Oh noes! A great artist saying it doesn't deserve FP. Like you draw any good. Your ok, nothing amazing about you. IMO you don't deserve to be scouted. Keep trying!
Holy mother of monkeys! This is great!! How in the world did you make it! O.o Its so friggen cool! Kutos (or however the hell you spell that)
Thanks! It´s ansi art created with Pablodraw 2.08
Silly but really good! It's ironic considering i was just about to draw a picture of L4D. And I've been playing it a lot lately. GREAT JOB
Dude you are like one of teh best artists eva!! This is like so damn epic and ownage and and and SEX :3 Like... Ugh.... I love you... O.o *EXPLOSION OF FLAVOR!!!!*
I like to draw, make comic, do art and make art
Joined on 9/11/09